Pressure boosting systems / filling and draining stations

349,00 €

(plus VAT), p. p. incl. lunch, drinks and documentation


Pump technology (DEA):

15.05.2024 (Failed)


Filling and emptying stations:

16.05.2024 (Failed)


Training courses for pressure boosting systems (separation stations) and filling and draining stations for extinguishing water supply according to DIN 14462 (from conception to professional acceptance).

Fire extinguishing and extinguishing water systems are facilities for preventive fire protection and serve to fight fires for the rescue and protection of persons (see DIN EN 1717). If such systems are directly connected to the drinking water installation, they are subject to special requirements in order to maintain the drinking water quality. DIN 1988 Part 600 already regulates the design and connection of drinking water installations in connection with fire extinguishing and fire protection systems.

With the current Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV), which came into force on 19 December 2019, the requirements become mandatory. The AVB Wasser states that extinguishing water systems may only be connected to the drinking water installation by means of a safety device.

On the fire protection side, the Drinking Water Ordinance affects the operators of properties with wall hydrants. Operators must ensure that water that is not of drinking water quality is not allowed to flow back into the drinking water network. By installing a so-called "safety device", for example in the form of a separating station, the hygienic connection of a wall hydrant system to the drinking water network can be ensured (according to Table 1 DIN 1988/600).


1 day for each course, each from 09:00 h to approx. 16:00 h





Your benefits

  • You will receive sound expertise in assessing safety equipment such as pressure boosting systems and R&D stations in order to be able to evaluate the connection of wall hydrants to the drinking water network with regard to the drinking water regulations

  • You complete a training course in an ISO-certified company

Aimed at

Employees of fire protection companies and plant fire brigades who work in the field of extinguishing water technology


Participants must have completed a training course in fire-fighting water technology (DIN 14462 and DIN EN 671/3). For subsequent work on the electrical components, at least a successfully completed training course for "Qualified electricians performing specified tasks" is required.


  • Connection options for wall hydrant systems to the drinking water network (filling and emptying stations; pressure boosting systems with unpressurised pre-tank)
  • Structure of a pressure boosting system and control
  • System structure of filling and emptying stations and their control
  • Troubleshooting faults and defects and their elimination
  • Final examination

Price advantage for package bookings:

Special price when booking the seminar on pressure boosting systems and filling and draining stations € 599.00 (plus VAT), per person.


1 day for each course, each from 09:00 h to approx. 16:00 h


Remscheid, Training room 2


599,00 € (plus VAT), p. p.

incl. lunch, drinks and documentation

Dates (as a package)

13.03. + 14.03.2024

15.05. + 16.05.2024

25.09. + 26.09.2024